Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Dem Bones.... Bodies and Bones in FSP2

A few weeks ago, Lucas asked a question when we were getting ready for yoga. He felt a bump on his ankle and asked, ‘What is this thing?” Mrs. Morgan explained that it was an ankle bone, which Lucas thought was pretty cool. After that, students had many more questions about bones.... How many do we have? What do they do? What if they break?  We decided to get on our computer and find some answers. .....

As a teacher, it is always so fantastic to witness the excitement students display when seeking information that they are truly invested in.  This year, so many of my science lessons have been able to take a much more engaging, meaningful and dynamic direction because of student interests and inquiry. Of course, as teachers, we need to plan in order to cover certain concepts and curriculum, but it is amazing to me just how much more authentic and alive our learning becomes when we invite student voice and direction into our teaching and learning.  I’ve included just a few pictures of our students creating their own skeletons, which was a ton of fun! Our next steps will include inquiry into student generated questions about bodies, bones and organs. Stay tuned!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

January in FSP2

Well, we made it through January! Our classroom team was actually surprised at how well the transition back into class went, following the Christmas Break! During the month, we engaged in a ton of learning and inquiry....
In gym, we discovered that we all LOVE hockey! We spent every gym class practicing our skills and finally moved towards some actual games. In February, we will begin a unit in dance. We're looking forward to seeing everyone's moves!
In science, we discovered that many of us are interested in learning about bones and skeletons and systems of the body. We will be exploring these interests over the next few weeks.
In literacy, we have been working together to produce media texts such as posters, videos and games relating to our Eco Schools project. We have also been developing our computer skills on our new Chromebooks!! This is super exciting!!
In visual art, we explored the concept of line. We created lines with coloured tape, with paper, plastic and finally, with spaghetti.
Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on friendships and relationships with others and on how we can be a good friend as well as on how we can be good to ourselves. We will be practicing and learning a song about helping and being helped by others.... Once we have it polished, expect a video of us performing it!! Stay tuned!